Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Good or Bad?

How do you determine whether something is good or bad? Most people would say how it makes them feel. If something makes you happy or gets you something you want, it must be good, right? Well, answer me this: To determine if something is good, I think we would agree that it depends on the circumstances, the situation, and the consequences. Well what if it didn't? Here's a revelation for you, it doesn't! All things good or evil are determined by God. Why is it that we feel we have the power to identify such things? We did not create them, and we certainly do not know them nearly as well as Him. So how do we know what is good and what is evil, you ask? Pray. Get to know your Creator and He will make things much more clear to you. He will reveal the Truth. Okay, that's all my preachin' for the night(;

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